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The Importance of PPE in SERVPRO: Ensuring Safety in Restoration and Cleanup

7/5/2024 (Permalink)

When disaster strikes, whether it's a flood, fire, or biohazard situation, SERVPRO professionals are often on the front lines, working to restore homes and businesses. Given the nature of their work, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is not just important—it's essential.

SERVPRO and the Role of PPE

SERVPRO, a leader in the restoration industry, deals with a variety of hazardous situations. From mold remediation to dealing with hazardous waste, the company ensures that its workers are equipped with the necessary PPE to perform their duties safely and effectively.

Types of PPE Used by SERVPRO

  1. Respiratory Protection:

   - Masks and Respirators: These are crucial when dealing with mold, dust, and chemical fumes. Proper respiratory protection helps prevent inhalation of harmful particles and gases.

  1. Protective Clothing:

   - Suits: To protect against chemical spills, contaminated water, and biohazards, SERVPRO technicians wear specialized protective suits. These garments prevent skin contact with hazardous substances.

   - Gloves: Different types of gloves (nitrile, latex, etc.) are used depending on the task, providing protection against chemicals, biohazards, and sharp objects.

  1. Eye and Face Protection:

   - **Goggles and Face Shields**: Protecting the eyes and face is vital when dealing with splashes, airborne particles, and other hazards. Goggles and face shields help prevent injuries that could result from chemical splashes or debris.

  1. Foot Protection:

   - Boots and Shoe Covers: Sturdy, waterproof boots protect against chemical spills, sharp objects, and other ground-level hazards. In addition, shoe covers are used to prevent cross-contamination between different areas.

  1. Hearing Protection:

   - In environments with high noise levels, such as during the use of heavy machinery or equipment, earplugs or earmuffs are essential to prevent hearing damage.

The Importance of Training and Compliance

SERVPRO places a strong emphasis on training its employees to correctly use and maintain their PPE. Proper training ensures that employees are not only aware of the hazards they face but also know how to protect themselves effectively. Compliance with OSHA regulations and company safety protocols is strictly enforced to maintain a safe working environment.

Benefits of PPE for SERVPRO Technicians

  1. Health and Safety: The primary benefit of PPE is the protection it offers to the health and safety of the workers. By minimizing exposure to hazards, PPE helps prevent injuries and illnesses.
  2. Increased Efficiency: When workers feel safe, they can perform their tasks more efficiently. Proper PPE ensures that SERVPRO technicians can focus on their work without worrying about their safety.
  3. Professionalism and Trust: Clients trust SERVPRO to handle their restoration needs professionally. Seeing workers equipped with the right PPE reinforces the company’s commitment to safety and quality service.


In the restoration and cleanup industry, the use of PPE is non-negotiable. SERVPRO's dedication to providing its technicians with the best protective gear ensures that they can safely and effectively perform their duties. By prioritizing safety through the use of PPE, SERVPRO not only protects its workers but also upholds its reputation as a leader in the restoration industry.

The Impact of Storms: Understanding and Mitigating Damage

7/1/2024 (Permalink)


Storms, whether they be hurricanes, tornadoes, or severe thunderstorms, have a profound impact on communities around the world. The damage they inflict can be catastrophic, affecting lives, properties, and the environment. Understanding the various types of storm damage and how to mitigate them is crucial for preparedness and recovery.

Types of Storm Damage

  1. Wind Damage

High winds can tear roofs off buildings, uproot trees, and turn loose debris into dangerous projectiles. The power of wind during a storm is often underestimated, but it is one of the primary causes of structural damage.

  1. Water Damage

Flooding from heavy rains or storm surges can cause extensive water damage to homes and infrastructure. Water can weaken foundations, destroy electrical systems, and lead to mold growth, which poses health risks long after the storm has passed.

  1. Lightning Damage

Lightning strikes during storms can cause fires, power outages, and severe damage to electrical systems. The intense heat of a lightning strike can ignite buildings and forests, leading to widespread destruction.

  1. Hail Damage

Hailstones, some as large as golf balls, can cause significant damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles.

Mitigation Strategies

  1. Building Codes and Standards

Implementing and adhering to strict building codes can significantly reduce the damage caused by storms. Structures built to withstand high winds and flooding are less likely to suffer severe damage.

  1. Early Warning Systems

Investing in advanced weather prediction technologies and early warning systems can save lives and reduce damage. Early warnings give people time to evacuate or take necessary precautions.

  1. Flood Defenses

Constructing levees, floodwalls, and other flood defenses can protect vulnerable areas from rising waters. Proper drainage systems and the preservation of natural wetlands can also mitigate flood damage.

  1. Community Preparedness

Educating communities about storm preparedness and response can empower individuals to protect themselves and their properties. Emergency plans, evacuation routes, and disaster kits are essential components of community readiness.

Recovery and Resilience

The aftermath of a storm is often a time of chaos and rebuilding. Effective recovery efforts require coordinated actions from governments, non-profits, and local communities. Financial assistance, mental health support, and rebuilding infrastructure are critical for helping affected areas recover and become more resilient to future storms.


Storm damage is an inevitable part of living in many regions of the world. However, with proper preparation, mitigation, and recovery strategies, the impact of these natural disasters can be significantly reduced. By building stronger, being informed, and working together.

Understanding the devastating effects of storms and the importance of mitigation and preparedness is essential for minimizing damage and enhancing recovery efforts. By sharing knowledge and resources, we can better protect our homes, our communities, and our environment from the destructive power of nature.

Cleaning Services: Restoring Homes from Water, Fire and Mold Damages

4/11/2024 (Permalink)

Restoring Homes from Fire, Water, and Mold Damages in the face of unexpected disasters like fires, floods, or mold infestations, homeowners are often left feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how to restore their living spaces to their former glory. Thankfully, professional cleaning services specializing in fire, water, and mold damage restoration offer a beacon of hope. These experts possess the skills, equipment, and experience necessary to efficiently and effectively tackle even the most severe cases, helping homeowners reclaim their homes and peace of mind.

Fire Damage Restoration: The aftermath of a fire can be devastating, leaving behind not only visible damage but also pervasive smoke odor and soot residue. Professional cleaning services excel in addressing these challenges. Utilizing specialized techniques and equipment, they meticulously clean and deodorize every surface, from walls and ceilings to furniture and belongings. Moreover, they possess the expertise to safely handle hazardous materials and structural issues, ensuring a thorough restoration process.

Water Damage Remediation: Water damage, whether from burst pipes, flooding, or storms, can wreak havoc on a home's structure and belongings, leading to mold growth and structural instability if left unchecked. Cleaning services specializing in water damage remediation promptly assess the situation, extract excess water, and thoroughly dry affected areas using industrial-grade equipment. They also mitigate mold growth by applying antimicrobial treatments and conducting thorough inspections to identify and address hidden moisture pockets.

Mold Remediation Services: Mold thrives in damp, dark environments and can quickly spread throughout a home if not properly addressed. Mold remediation specialists employ a systematic approach to eliminate mold colonies and prevent recurrence. This typically involves containing the affected area, removing contaminated materials, and implementing thorough cleaning and disinfection protocols. Additionally, they offer expert advice on moisture control and ventilation strategies to prevent future mold growth.

The Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services: Enlisting the services of professionals for fire, water, and mold damage restoration offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it ensures thorough and effective cleanup, reducing the risk of further damage or health hazards. Additionally, it saves homeowners time and effort, allowing them to focus on other priorities during the recovery process. Moreover, professional cleaning services can liaise with insurance companies, simplifying the claims process and maximizing coverage.

In conclusion, professional cleaning services specializing in fire, water, and mold damage restoration play a crucial role in helping homeowners navigate the aftermath of unforeseen disasters. Their expertise, efficiency, and dedication to quality ensure that homes are restored to safe and habitable conditions, providing much-needed relief and peace of mind to those affected. When faced with such challenges, homeowners can trust in the expertise of these cleaning professionals to guide them through the restoration process and restore their homes to their former glory.

Do you know the differences between hurricane categories?

6/11/2023 (Permalink)

Starting in the middle of the year, from June to November, Hurricane season batters the country's coasts. This increase in tropical storms and hurricanes can lead to high levels of property damage and even devastate entire communities. Knowing the differences between hurricane categories can allow for preparations to reduce potential damage and may save your life!

Category 1 Hurricane - 74-95 mph winds - Expect damage to the roofing, gutters, and siding. Trees have an increased chance of snapping or toppling and possible damage to local power lines.

Category 2 Hurricane - 96-110 mph winds - Severe damage to roofing and siding likely. Trees and signage are expected to snap or uproot. Potential for near-total power loss locally. 

Category 3 Hurricane - 111-129 mph winds - High wind speeds are likely to rip out roofing, siding, and decking. High chance of blocked roads from debris and flooding. High likelihood that local power is lost. 

Category 4 Hurricane - 130-156 mph winds - Severe property damage expected. Power may be lost for weeks or months. The affected area will likely be uninhabitable for some time. 

Category 5 Hurricane - 157+ mph winds - A large number of homes expected to be destroyed. Power may be lost for months. The affected area will be uninhabitable for some time. 

Hurricane categories frequently change as the storm nears landfall, so it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the newest information possible. Weather stations and apps can help relay this info and any orders given by local authorities!

Can you spot the signs of mold growth in your home?

6/9/2023 (Permalink)

Have you taken a look around your home or business lately? Notice any odd changes that may be a sign of a bigger problem beginning to form? Small things like cracks emerging in your window frame may not seem like a pressing matter, but over time moisture can seep in and cause mold issues! 

Mold can spread throughout a property much faster than many homeowners may realize. In as little as 48 hours, mold can become a huge problem! Once the roots are dug in, the harder it is to remove, leaving even more damage behind. 

Mold growth often leaves behind telltale signs that can alert you to the problem. Things like musty or rotten odors in certain rooms or specific areas of a room, unusual stains or spots on carpeting, and even cold-like symptoms from inhabitants of the home! If you suspect mold growth, it is critical to call in professionals ASAP to isolate and remove it!

Be Prepared this Tornado Season!

6/3/2023 (Permalink)

Prepared for tornado season? You should be!

Every year, tornadoes spike significantly in touchdowns and sightings from late spring to early summer. An increase in the number of tornadoes, unfortunately, brings an increase in the damage and destruction they leave in their wake. Thousands of families are affected by these monstrous natural disasters every year, which is why it is crucial to be prepared!

Tornadoes form in the blink of an eye, often with little warning. This is even more true when these disasters form during the night. Fortunately, weather broadcasts can keep you updated on the severity of the storm and alert you with tornado warnings or watches. 

One of the best ways to be prepared for a natural disaster like a tornado is to create emergency kits or "go bags"! These kits should contain warm blankets, clothing, medical supplies, non-perishable food, water, and potential necessities like flashlights. In a disaster, these items can support you until help arrives!

Are You Prepared for the 2023 Hurricane Season?

6/3/2023 (Permalink)

The 2023 Hurricane season is already here! Every year, from the beginning of June to the end of November, severe tropical storms and hurricanes see a significant spike in activity. Being knowledgeable and having a plan ready can help massively when in the path of a natural disaster!

First, create an emergency kit to keep stored away. Backpacks or duffel bags work great for these kits, as they can be quickly picked up and brought along in an emergency! The contents of your kit should include things like warm blankets or additional clothing, medical supplies, food, water, and other helpful things like flashlights and portable battery banks to keep things charged.

Secondly, take the time to research and learn what each category of hurricane means and the dangers they present. Knowing is half the battle when it comes to being prepared! Your home may be suited to sustain a low-category storm, but you could end up trapped should the category increase after the time to evacuate has passed. 

Lastly, remember to always keep up-to-date with storm developments via weather broadcasts. You don't want to be caught off-guard or unprepared!

Ensure your summer cookout goes off without a hitch!

6/2/2023 (Permalink)

School is out, and summer weather is on its way. What better way to hang out and relax with family and friends than a cookout?

A backyard barbecue or campground gather round is a great way to kick off the summer season, but safety should always come first! Before firing up the grill, be sure that the cooking area is cleared and safe to use. Dead leaves, dry grass, and shrubs are all incredibly flammable and should be removed before the grill is lit. Once your cooking location has been cleared and set up, be sure to keep towels, napkins, and other combustible materials you may have brought along a safe distance away while the grill is in use.

Remember to stay safe and have fun this summer!

Are your Holiday travel plans ready?

12/28/2022 (Permalink)

Traveling is quite a typical affair during the end-of-year Holiday season, but even a short trip can be dangerous when tons of other people are doing the same! With millions on the road, it is easily the busiest time of the year. Keeping your eyes and ears open and staying attentive and alert can help you identify possible issues that may impact your holiday commute.

Severe weather, packed roads, and even drunk drivers appear at higher percentages during the end-of-year holiday season. Taking the time to properly put together routes and plan your trip can help make everything that much smoother. Keeping tabs on weather and traffic also goes a long way in preventing delays or accidents!

After everything is said and done, we here at SERVPRO of Hanover Township / Bear Creek hope that you're able to spend some time with friends and family and experience a wonderful Holiday season! Have fun, and stay safe.

Happy Holidays!

Do you know the three categories of water damage?

12/24/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage comes in the form of three different categories. The main difference between these categories is how polluted or unsanitary the water is. The higher the category, the more pollutants can be found within.

The first category of water damage is the most common occurrence and is called Clean Water loss. The water in a category one loss is relatively clean and mostly free of pollutants that are dangerous to handle or ingest. Cleaning and restoration work can be done quickly when dealing with this category of water loss.

The second category of water damage is known as Gray Water. Gray water contains a moderate amount of contaminants inside and can cause illness and discomfort for any that may accidentally ingest it. Water sources that produce gray water are things like dishwashers, toilet overflows that contain urine, and other types of "used" water.

The final category of water damage is Black Water which deals with water from dangerously unsanitary sources. When dealing with water from this category, serious illness and even death are potential dangers should it be ingested. Black water-producing sources are things like sewage backups, rising river or stream water, floodwater, and toilet water containing fecal matter.

Combating water damage is more than simply removing the water from your home. Knowing what could potentially be in the water, and how to properly handle it helps homeowners know where and how to start with any water emergency!